The Dog Ate My...Something That Would Keep Me From
Being Able to Write a Blog Entry
(a.k.a. The 1st Annual Festival of Excuses)
Being Able to Write a Blog Entry
(a.k.a. The 1st Annual Festival of Excuses)
1.) We've been really busy. Sweeps were just last month, and the damn TV's not gonna watch itself, Rick.
2.) We've lost the capacity to experience joy.
3.) Most of us are Amish now.
4.) The way Bush and Cheney are pissing people off all willy-nilly-like, we're all gonna blow up soon anyway. So what's the point of some pithy blog?
5.) Aunt Flo came to visit.
6.) Also, we got our period.
7.) We were passed out from a tequila binge and our ferret mistook us for dead and chewed off our fingers. Again.
9.) Do you know there are over 50 million blogs out there? Dag. That's a lot of competition. So, we're thinking of getting into the roofing business or studying the dental arts.
10.) We got stuck on the word blog. Blog. Blog. It doesn't even sound real. Sounds like a sound a muppet might make. Blog blog blog blog blog blog! Then we started doing a muppet sketch and we got distracted. But now we're back. Sorry.
Faces For Radio Theater