Friday, March 27, 2009

If you take a moment to help Live Wire, we'll dance with radio-nerd glee!

Tricia Ferguson, Jonpaul Mclellan and Storm Large read haiku.

Hello, fans and friends!

Live Wire! just celebrated its fifth anniversary on air. This accomplishment occurs at a critical juncture for us: we went weekly on OPB and began airing on the East coast just as we lost a major sponsor and face more sponsors and grantors with tightened budgets (the recent ticket price increase was a direct result of these issues). We've been able to produce the show on a tiny budget-just $175K-through the energy and goodwill of our talented performers and staff, who have been willing to work for a fraction of their fee.

How you can help
We've put together a proposal for one-time funds from the City of Portland to help us grow our audience to ensure financial stability. We know our commissioners have MANY tough choices to make. We urge you to help keep the show going. Please take a minute to show your support for Live Wire! by sending an email to the city commissioners and Mayor's office. They need to hear that this show matters to you and to the city. We've included the commissioners' email addresses below.

Possible subjects for you letter: how Live Wire has impacted your life, artists you've discovered through Live Wire, and/or how attending or listening to a show makes you feel about living in Portland. (Note: if attending a show has ever made you feel crappy about living in Portland, you can probably leave that part out.)

Thank you in advance for your help. From the very beginning, we've been blessed with some of Portland's most enthusiastic and supportive audiences, and we're truly grateful for that. Thank you for your support through the years, and now as we move forward.

Please send your emails in as soon as possible, as the budget hearings are beginning to take place...and thanks again!

Kate Sokoloff, Robyn Tenenbaum, Producers
Courtenay Hameister, Associate Producer, Head Writer, Host
Jim Brunberg, Technical Producer

P.S. If you happen to get inspired, think about including an audience haiku in your appeal, i.e.:

Live Wire has taught me
The ancient art of haiku
Like school, but with beer.


Mayor Sam Adams:
Jennifer Yocom: jennifer.yocom@ci.portland
Nick Fish:
Randy Leonard:
Amanda Fritz:
Dan Saltzman:

If you have any questions about this campaign, or would like to make a suggestion, please contact us at

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